Dear readers, it’s done! I have written a book!

After an authorial frenzy this week that saw me produce almost 14,000 words I finally had the exquisite pleasure of inscribing ‘Finis’ at the end of my manuscript.

I can’t quite believe it. Of course, I am conscious of the fact that I’ve been bashing the keyboard for the past eleven weeks. It’s more the finality that’s bewildering me. I’ve been living and breathing my characters so intensely that it seems impossible that they’re no longer going to be my daily companions.

I’ve read about this phenomenon. Other writers have apparently felt the same thing – a sense of bereavement and grief at having to let go of your characters once you’ve typed the final full stop. But it wasn’t something that I’d really prepared myself for. I find myself wanting to go back and stay in their world.

Not that the work is over by any means. I know that before me lie months of editing, polishing, refining and preparing my work for presentation to prospective agents and publishers, so I’ll still be immersing myself in the story. But I won’t be creating it any more.

I think, perhaps, that I’m still too close to the process to be able to write about it coherently. It has been so all-encompassing and I’ve maintained such rigid discipline that I haven’t had room for much reflection – other than that in which I’ve indulged through this weekly blog. I think it’s going to take some time for it all to sink in.

Gratuitous knight pic – just because …

And what is my verdict on my creation? Sincerely endeavouring to set aside maternal partiality, I think it’s good. As previously stated, I never set out to write the great Australian novel. Under New Management is not literature, but I do believe it’s entertaining, and quirky, and quite funny in spots. Now I just have to convince a publisher to feel the same way.

There is now only one more week until I fly for home. Before take-off, however, HWB and I will be scooting up to Paris for a final fling. At this moment of completion, I feel compelled to record my heartfelt gratitude to HWB. Not only has he always believed in me as a writer, he’s been a fount of unfailing support on this extraordinary journey, and he’s borne valiantly with my authorial abstraction over the last two weeks. A while back we made a pact that when I sign my publishing deal we will take a trip on the Orient Express. I hope it’s not too long in coming πŸ™‚

My gang of enthusiastic family and friends also deserve a jolly good thanking – Jean, Rachel, Hannah, Julie, Fontella, Bronny, Stephanie, Imke, Heather, Amanda, Tracy, Mariella, Anna, Raphael, Sue, Natalia, Mirela, Jeanne, Moz, Gabi, Claude, Judy, Donna, Marie. Your belief in my endeavour and your regular supply of kind and encouraging words has lifted me up throughout.

Tonight the good city of Carcassonne is putting on a fireworks show for me. The locals think it’s got something to do with Bastille Day, but I know better …

12 thoughts on “Finis!

  1. FΓ©licitations et joyeux jour de Bastille! Finally, one of us have reached the final full stop. My journey still continues and will, I fear, for some time. While I’m not at completed draft stage yet I know exactly what you mean about living and breathing your characters and their world. You really do become friends. Enjoy Paris, a major part of my WIP (along with the Loire Valley and the CΓ΄te d’Azur) and the location of my author induced travel to France next year (once I’ve paid off Hong Kong). Safe travels for the rest of your adventures. xo βœˆοΈπŸ–‹ πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

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  2. Oh how wonderful.. You’ve got a definite order of at least two copies (signed of course) of the book here… Looking forward to reading it. Xxx πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

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    1. You absolutely amazing legend! What an achievement. Damn straight those fireworks are for you!!! Enjoy the last week of your adventure, looking forward to seeing you and Martin when you get home and settled. Love ya

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Wonderful news….you clever person. We’ll look forward to reading it. Bentley sends his love and congratulations.🐺
      Di & Terence

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